Monday, February 24, 2025

No deal!


Over the years, I have grown accustomed to the Twins not being able to seal deals. Trades, free agents, anything. If there are reports, there is an initial buzz of anticipation, followed by a long trickle of disappointment as it becomes clear that the rumored move is definitely not happening any longer. So why should it be any different when the team itself is on the block?

News broke over the weekend that the Ishbias, the only known interested parties in the Twins, have instead increased an investment in the Chicago White Sox, and are no longer pursuing the Twins. There is a wailing and gnashing of teeth in Twins Territory, and some are speculating that the Pohlads may pull the team off the market. 

I see that as a bit of an overreach, based on previous reporting, that there was a significant level of interest, more than anticipated, when the team was first announced to be on the market. I have to believe also that the typically coy Pohlads wouldn't have made such an announcement if they didn't know they already had suitors. I can't imagine that the Ishbias were or are the only ones in play, nor that they backed off because the Pohlads were having a change of heart.

There was a rumor early in the process that Glen Taylor might be interested in the team if he ended up losing the Timberwolves in arbitration. And he did! But that is just one of the scenarios related to the potential ownership of the team, and we don't know how many suitors remain, or if more step up with the announcement that the Ishbias are out. 

Even if the Pohlads are planning on keeping the team, they still went along with the plan for payroll to climb, if incrementally this winter. Regardless of whatever happens in the next couple of months, if the Twins are still in the Pohlads hands or not, it's not as dark a time in Twins Territory as this time last year.

The story isn't done being told quite yet, and the ending still has a good chance of being happy

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